Emergency Resource Numbers
Emergency Resource Numbers
Emergency Resource Phone List
Our Safe Place South Bay Calendar
California Youth Crisis Hotline
The California Youth Crisis Line (CYCL) operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week as the statewide emergency response system for youth (ages 12-24) and families in crisis. Professionally trained staff and volunteer counselors respond and have access to more than 5,500 free or low-cost resources for youth and families across California.

Sweetwater Union High School District: Foster and Homeless Youth Education Services (619) 407-4969 or website sweetwaterschools.org
Housing and Health Resources
Dial 2-1-1 for information and referrals to health, human, and social service organizations.
South Bay Community Services (619) 420-3620 https://southbaycommunityservices.org/
For persons experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness to gain initial access to a variety of resources that might be available to address their housing crisis.
Casa Nueva Vida: South Bay Community Services 24/7 operation (619) 420-3620 https://southbaycommunityservices.org
Provides temporary housing primarily for homeless families in the South Bay area. Individuals in the program are offered shelter, groceries (not prepared meals), case management, counseling, job training, childcare, literacy classes, and tutoring. Also accepts emancipated minors.
Health Care: Healthy Steps Mobile Clinic: 619-662-4199 https://www.syhc.org/
Health Care- Rice Family Health Center 619-515-2325 https://www.fhcsd.org/rice-family-health-center/
San Ysidro Health Center 619-662-4100 www.syhc.org
Technology Resources
SDCOE Internet For All Now: (1-844-841-INFO (4636)) https://covid-19.sdcoe.net/Distance-Learning/Connectivity-Resources :The California Emerging Technology Fund has provided this link to affordable offers as well as a number to call someone who can assist parents: https://www.internetforallnow.org/get_affordable_interent_today
Comcast/Xfinity offering 60 days free internet due to Covid-19
See link more information https://www.internetessentials.com/
Cox is offering first 60 days free for new customers due to Covid19
Spectrum Charter internet deal
Legal Aid Resources
Legal Aid at work- undocumented worker’s employment rights
Immigration advocacy: https://www.immigrationadvocates.org/
You have rights: protect your health:
Protecting API workers https://www.apalanet.org/uploads/8/3/2/0/83203568/aapi_covid-19_guidance.pdf