Attendance Information

Attendance Information

To clear an absence, please call the main office at (619) 628- 5100


Regular attendance and punctuality are critical for academic success. Absences may be excused only for student illness, death in the immediate family or other lawful reasons.

Missing more than five days per semester (that is in 18 weeks!) is a significant loss of instructional time and usually impacts a student’s achievement. While Saturday School is a great way to make up absences, there is no substitute for regular classroom instruction.

Parents are requested to call the school before 10:00 A.M. on the day of the absence or send a note when the student returns to school; please bring notes to the attendance clerk ten minutes before the start of school. After ten days beyond the absence, it will be marked as unexcused, essentially a truancy.

After an absence, it is a student’s responsibility to ask each teacher how to make up missed work. For absences of three or four days, parents should call the Counseling Center to arrange for student work. Assignments may be picked up in the Main Office between 3:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. of the next school day.

Short-Term Independent Study

If a student needs to be absent between 5 and 15 consecutive school days, parents must request student placement in Short-Term Independent Study at least 48 hours in advance of the absence. When a student is placed on Independent Study, teachers will provide schoolwork in 3-day increments. Reasons for placement in Independent Study might include illness, social adjustment or other personal reasons. Please contact the Assistant Principal for more information.


An unexcused absence—or returning to school after an absence without a note from a parent—is a violation of state law. Students must attend Saturday School to make up absences and missed work. Truancies affect scholarship and citizenship grades. Students who are truant run the risk of being arrested. Parents are encouraged to call the school to check on their student’s attendance. Students truant for part or all of a school day will be assigned Saturday School, Opportunity Class and/or be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board for further disciplinary action.

Tardy Policies

Tardy to School: All students must be in their seats by 8:15 A.M. If students arrive late to school, they are tardy. A tardy is excused only if a student is late for school because of illness and brings a note from a parent or legal guardian–no exceptions. A tardy is unexcused if a student is late to school or class for any reason other than illness.

Tardy to Class

There is a five-minute passing period between classes. All students must be in their seats by the tardy bell. If students are detained by any staff member between classes, they should obtain a pass from that person. Students who are caught in periodic “Tardy Sweeps” will receive 1 lunch detention. Students tardy between classes will be marked as unexcused.