

Welcome to science! At MVA, our science department is a dedicated group of educators who strive to bring engaging and empowering lessons to the classroom, to prepare students for their futures. We are currently teaching the newly adopted Next Generation Science Standards, which have components of engineering design, Common Core reading/writing and content driven by inquiry. Reach out to our science teachers with questions and comments via email or Jupiter. We are looking forward to working with you this year!

Meet your science teacher!

Mr. Ezell has been teaching for 17 years. As a science teacher, his/her favorite part of the day is greeting students at the door. This year, students in Mr. Ezell’s class can expect to Have fun learning, doing labs and practicing their written communication skills. Please feel free to reach out to Mr. Ezell via email Mr. Ezell’s science syllabus.

Mr. Tran has been teaching at Mar Vista Academy since 2016. This year, students in Mr. Tran’s class can expect to learn new things, think critically, share experiences, grow personally, and prepare for the future. Please feel free to reach out to Mr. Tran via email Mr. Tran’s syllabus.

Mrs. Trejo enjoys teaching science and likes to share her science knowledge with the new generations. Science is involved in our daily life, understanding science we can create a better world. Please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Trejo via email: guadalupe.trejo@sweetaterschools.orgMrs. Trejo’s Grade 7 science syllabus.    Mrs. Trejo’s Grade 8 science syllabus 

Ms. Portaro has been teaching since 2012. As a science teacher, her favorite part of the day is doing labs and activities outside. This yer, students in Ms. Venturino’s class can expect to work hard, have fun, and grow as both learners and individuals. Please feel free to reach out to Ms. Venturino via email: Mrs. Portaro’s science syllabus.

Ms. Forsstrom  Ms. Forsstrom has been teaching for 17  years, and has been a Viking for the past 10 years.  Before teaching, Ms. Forsstrom was working in the field of mental health as a therapist and counselor for all ages of clients.  As a Special Education teacher her favorite part of the class is listening and engaging with students and providing support. In our General Science 1 Fundamentals students will learn how to become good investigators of various scientific concepts and participate in hands on activities that will demonstrate and reinforce the textbook learning.  Students will be reading, writing, conducting experiments and working with a team throughout the school year.  Ms. Forsstrom looks forward to getting to know students and developing good working relationships that help them be successful in school and life. Ms. Forsstrom Syllabus

Mr. Galindo  is an alumni of the Sweetwater District.  Has held many positions with the district but his two favorite positions are coaching and teaching science. As a science teacher he loves providing students with an opportunity to grow both academically and as a person.  His main focus is providing a teaching environment where students feel welcome and can express themselves in a positive way.  Mr. Galindo can be reached at

Check out our science activities at Mar Vista Academy!